

日本全国の博物館、神社に眠る国宝や重要文化財の甲冑の資料収集、 実地調査、時代考証の末に誕生した「奉納之鎧兜」シリーズ

武具として扱われた甲冑を美術品・工芸品に昇華させ、その後の日本の伝統工芸の技術を築いた古代の職人たちの実直な職人魂を 受け継ぎ、忠実に再現した逸品をご覧ください。

Our ‘Dedicated Yoroi’ Series is the Gem yoroi which is replicated national treasures and important cultural properties sleeping in museums and shrines all over Japan.

We, 鈴甲子雄山(Suzukine Yuzan), actual survey, drew scketch, and collected materials. Ancient craftsmen sublimated the armor treated as armor as art and crafts, and built the technique of modern Japanese traditional crafts.We inherited and faithfully reproduced the honest craftsmanship of the ancient craftsmen.

国宝・重要文化財 模写
National Treasure Replication

Phantom Genji Armor

This is the armor that is considered to be Genji’s heirloom and is only allowed to be worn by each leader.

It is said that Genji had eight armors since the Minamoto no Yoshiie, but most of them were lost due to the Heiji rebellion and are now called ”Lost Yoroi”. At 鈴甲子雄山(Suzukine Yuzan), the phantom armor was reproduced on a 1/5 scale.

源氏の家宝とされ、それぞれの頭領のみが着用を許された鎧 源義家以来、源氏には八領の鎧があったとされるが、 そのほとんどは平治の乱で失われ、現在では「幻の甲冑」 と呼ばれています。鈴甲子雄山では、その幻の甲冑を1/5スケール で再現しました。

Heike Armor

Heike(平家) is said as the beginning of the samurai government and the name of a family that represents the Heian period.
The phantom armor “Karakawa no Armor”(唐皮)was given to Taira no Kiyomori(平清盛), who built its golden age.
The national treasure “Kon-ito no Armor” dedicated to Itsukushima Shrine by Taira no Kiyomori’s eldest son, Shigemori.
We (鈴甲子雄山)reproduced them on a 1/5 scale based on literature such as The Tale of Heiji (平治物語)and The Tale of Heike(平家物語).


Shoutoku Taishi Armor

This is the armor of ‘Shotoku Taishi’(Prince Shotoku), legendary Japanese figure. According to the tradition of Horyuji Temple, which is closely related to him, it is said to be a toy used by Prince Shotoku when he was child. The real armor is on display at the Tokyo National Museum.

法隆寺伝来 沢瀉威鎧 兜・大袖付(雛形)
この鎧兜は、法隆寺の伝来で、天保13年(1842)に刊行された『法隆寺宝物図絵』に「御鎧 皇太子御幼稚ノ時御手遊」と記されてあり、 古くは聖徳太子の玩具として伝えられていたことが知られています。 鈴甲子雄山はこの「沢瀉威鎧 兜・大袖付(雛形)」を五分の一のスケールで、できるだけ忠実に再現しました。